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12 Magical Laws

All of these laws are completely real, but you still won`t have any influence on anything until you start doing things physically in a logically consistent way. The law that is most likely true while providing an escape hatch when one of the other laws is in question. Your dreams, vibrations, and emotions are all very important and can affect things, but the universe won`t pay attention to them until you take visible steps to influence things. These laws were not created by humans, but they were observed and recorded. They do not change like the laws of man. These laws are immutable, like the laws of gravity, and still work. I love your list of 12 laws. Reading it, I am filled with positive energy and love. Thank you very much. Thank you for writing. It is difficult to trace the origins of these laws back to a source unless we are talking about the “source.” These laws are intrinsic and merely experiential. These are the laws of vibration, attraction, divine unity, compensation, polarity, correspondence, inspired action, cause and effect, relativity, gender, the continuous transmutation of energy and the law of rhythm.

Unlike the 10 Commandments, the 12 Universal Laws are usually descriptive rather than proscriptive, but with the strong implication that you need to connect and become aware of these laws in order to live a more successful life. Different authors have different orders from the twelve laws and some have shortened or expanded lists,[1] but 12 seems to be the typical number. Thank you for taking the time to write and read the 12 Universal Laws. The first stage of any spiritual journey is consciousness and awakening to the laws of the universe. Each person`s journey begins and develops at the perfect time, as you surely did. You`ve come to the right place at the right time. Thanks David for this information, lately I`ve made more connections with the attraction`s IAW and now created a guide for the other 11. I recently started a channel on Youtube and wanted to discuss these laws.

Love, peace and universal harmony be with you. Thanks Manuel A. Gonzalez CREATORS CORNER The list of old laws has stood the test of time, as Kaiser, Kumar and many others around the world still work with it today. “All laws are about mastering life with love and joy,” Kaiser explains. Now that you have been introduced to these laws, there is a good chance that they will continue to appear in your life. Thank you for this surprisingly beautiful explanation of universal laws. Gratitude and a lot of love. These universal laws have been very well explained that they can be easily integrated into everyday life.

If everything in this universe is energy with its own vibration and frequency, it means that everything can be moved. You can start flowing with the spiritual laws of the universe instead of fighting in them and feeling like a victim of life. Just like both physical and gravity laws, these universal laws were not invented, but discovered by humans through their observations and experiences. Thank you for writing and I am so happy to hear that you apply the law of attraction in your life. This powerful law will surely bring you much more information about your search for a better understanding of these wonderful laws. “Perfect” books will find their way into your life as you continue your journey to memory. Our task is simply to “let go” and allow the Divine to speak through us. That`s right – the law of attraction is just one of the 12 universal laws, and getting acquainted with the other 11 can help us open a more spiritually oriented life. The 12 universal laws are irrefutable explanations of how things work in this spatio-temporal reality.

These laws cannot be created or destroyed. They simply describe how things are going. The same look my friend had given me when I asked about the 12 Universal Laws also painted his face. The answer was obviously “no”. It made me think: how many people even know that these laws exist? How would life be different for people if they knew that these laws make up the universe? When you understand these universal laws and integrate them into your life, you begin to see everything differently. Personally, I see myself with less judgment, more love and compassion, and deeper inner peace. We have already mentioned the connection between these 12 spiritual laws and the healing practice of Ho`oponopono. The laws of gravity existed long before it was discovered by Isaac Newton. We live in a divinely orchestrated magical universe! I`m glad you found this and I wish you all the best with your book.

Apply these 12 laws and your destiny will manifest before your eyes. I am very curious about these laws, could you tell me where they come from? Discovering and aligning with the 12 laws in addition to the law of attraction can lead you to face everyday life situations. It makes me very happy to hear that you found the blog and it arrived with you. When we understand these powerful laws and then use them for the benefit of humanity, the universe works in coordination with us to remind us again that we are one with God. Thank you very much. I learned a lot this morning. These laws are very true. Thank you for this inspiring teaching. I wish you good luck.

Laws are a form of meditation for freedom that comes from ancient Hawaiian culture. The law of divine unity is the MVP of universal laws, as it is the law on which all others are built. “This law says we are all connected through creation,” Wilder says. “Every atom in you is connected in one way or another to the rest of the universe through which you move.” However, these 12 universal laws are immutable laws of our universe that ancient cultures have always known intuitively and passed on to subsequent generations. Laws are often associated with Ho`oponopono, a meditation for freedom that has its origins in ancient Hawaiian culture. However, some of the laws are also attributed to hermetic philosophy, which dates back to ancient Egypt. Practitioners of the law of attraction regularly say that they would have liked to know the law of action inspired at an earlier stage! These two laws are closely related, and the law of inspired action tells us that we must actively pursue our goals. Hello! Peace and love! Thank you for sharing these 12 universal laws in detail.

I`ve always heard of them and wondered what they were, so today I took the time to do some research and came across your blog. Thank you for sharing this information, may God bless and preserve you, love and light! One of the simplest laws in the universe, the law of cause and effect, tells us that all actions have a corresponding reaction. I realize that many of us have never heard of these laws. Most of us never learned this in school and I`m sure my own parents were never aware of these laws. A few years ago, we were introduced to the law of attraction through books like The Secret and other spiritual messages, but many people dismissed it as a “New Age” jumbo mumbo. I`ve heard countless people say, “I tried it and it didn`t work. They then went on to tell me that they were trying to think or intend their wish, and no matter how much they thought or wanted to, the wish was never granted. Often discussed in reference to Ho`oponopono`s healing practice, the Twelve Spiritual Laws of the Universe each teach you something unique about well-being, happiness, and success. When you have a strong sense of these spiritual laws, you develop a clearer picture of your own place in the world. This guide will examine and summarize the twelve acts. Also, it should help you understand how they affect you and how your awareness of them can lead to positive changes.