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How to Write a Pitch for an Article Examples

If you like this freelance article that includes sample magazine pitches, download more sample article pitches in my PDF “20+ Freelance Article Pitches That Sold” here. You can read more examples of magazine presentations that have landed in magazines like Men`s Journal, Fitbit, Apartment Therapy, Shape Magazine, and more. Sieben focuses his argument on how one type of jewelry influenced his personal style, rather than trying to incorporate his entire jewelry box into his essay. You should conclude your introductory email by explaining why you are the ideal person to write this article. What qualifies you? Again, follow all the do`s and don`ts that we have outlined above. With a few exceptions, they also apply to customer locations. How are you doing? I hope your holiday season is going well since we last connected. I`d like to flesh out these independent article ideas further if you wish, or create more article layouts for the nutrition and fitness sections, as you may spice them up for January. The people you email are busy professionals. You need to respect their time by keeping your article short and relevant.

If you bore them with unnecessary details, you will never go beyond the first base. Why does everyone but you seem to know how to write a pitch that lands well-paying jobs or guest posts on prestigious blogs? Is there a secret they don`t share? I hate it, but while we care about our passions, publishers don`t. They help run a business: publishing. So you need to give them specific reasons why you have what it takes to write this article. You`re doing yourself a disservice by presenting your idea on a website or publication that doesn`t serve the same audience as you. Do your research ahead of time and your response and success rates will be much higher. Think of your pitch as a case. You need to build a solid case if you want the editor to write your article. You can do this if you have a lot of facts and evidence to support your presentation. I can pay you X freelance rate for about 900 words. I make sure everyone who writes for me gets a high-quality backlink (our Ahrefs domain rating is 75, and while metrics like this aren`t the panacea for SEO authority, they`re a really good proxy and 75 isn`t to be sneezed).

If you`re looking for ideas for an article, take a look at trends on social media. You can also take a look at LinkedIn for more ideas. Know how and why you want to write this particular article. Then, make sure other people want to read it. You may be wondering which outlets you should spend time writing article pitches for and what types of freelance writing you should start with. I suggest starting with these most profitable independent writing niches of 2022. The pitch is personalized, has relevant details, and has a simple CTA that asks the recipient for their opinion on the work. As you can see in his email, Matt featured content he wrote and asked editors and editors if they were interested in sharing his work. While it`s been a while, a good pitch style doesn`t get old, and his email to TechCrunch to promote his product is really good.

[For the article, I interviewed Rachel Cruze and Kathleen Gurney, Ph.D., founder and CEO of Financial Psychology Corporation.] Your article probably has a point of view or argument that you want to make. For example, if you want to write an article about successful diets, your argument might be that dieting is much more than counting calories. You can record your angle in your pitch so the editor knows where you`re coming from. Many publications have a particular angle or inclination that they want to maintain. The editor may ask you to adjust or refine the ankle, but you don`t want your article rejected just because the editor doesn`t like your point of view. If you list ideas for four or five paragraphs, the editor will have a good overview of what to expect from the full article, if forgiven. For example, if you`re introducing a client, you might say something like, “What would it mean to you if I could help drive traffic to your website and open the door to more sales?” You also want to make sure your presentation is relevant to the content the editor is working with. A pitch should be as long as necessary to grab the editor`s attention and convey all the details you want to record. You don`t need to write an epic novel that details all these points. In fact, because editors are very busy, you should be very careful to get straight to the point. Be sure to follow the basic writing tips when writing your article.

Keep your paragraphs short, use the right grammar, and keep the reader`s attention with your style. You may want to check out some relevant clips as examples. (CUSTOMER REVIEW: “I read all your articles published from the PDF and enjoyed each one!” – Neal F.) In the next paragraph, you`ll need to get into the details of the article or content you`re presenting, such as a suggested title, original data you`ve compiled, or the industry experts you`ll be interviewing. Getting your pitch in shape and being ready to give you the answers you`re looking for takes a little time, but the payoff should be worth it in the end. Now, let`s put it all together and show you a complete example of an introductory email to an editor with all the tips and tricks we`ve covered: there`s no hard and fast rule about how long a pitch will last; In fact, if you ask ten publishers what they expect, you`ll probably get ten different answers. Or, if you`re starting a parent blog, explain how your story idea will benefit its readers? Like this: Diana, would you be interested in another twist of this article, “How to start the year off right. financially”? What are the main points you have in your article? For example, if you`re writing about the best tips people need to follow to lose weight, you might want to mention the tips you`ll include. You don`t have to explain all the tips in detail, but you should mention them in your presentation. Motorhome holidays are becoming more and more popular and expensive.

But there`s a new movement of RV vacationers who have found a way to visit the country for $1 a day or even free. This article explores the little-known benefits of RV moving – returning or transferring rental vehicles. He features an interview with XYZ Van Hire`s fleet manager and the Murray family, who travelled from Palm Springs to Toronto in an RV without paying a penny in rental fees. One of the best things you can do as a writer is make sure you`re creating content that people really want to read. This is where research intent comes in. To learn more about this, check out my blog on everything writers need to know about search intent. What does it take to land an article in one of your favorite publications? Before you even get to your 30-second pitch in your email, you need to have a subject line that kills to spark curiosity. You must follow the submission guidelines for a successful pitch. Some posts have pitch submission guidelines that you need to follow. If you do not follow the guidelines, your presentation may be rejected without anyone reading it. You`re ready to hone your writing skills and create your messaging pitch for a publisher or publisher. Hey Mel, really awesome and detailed post here.

Shows that you are very familiar with the subject. I particularly like the examples at the end. It connects everything, do`s and don`ts. Let me know if this article idea is interesting for an article in November or December. I know that throwing out an article idea can look like a numbers game. There`s a lot of rejection in the process, so you just send more emails. I want to write an article explaining how climate change could completely ruin winemaking as we know it, and even make some grape varieties and blends impossible if temperatures rise too much. I will briefly explain how varietal characteristics depend on terroir – itself partly defined by climate – before imagining how the expressions of certain grape varieties might change if temperatures reliably rose by a few degrees. This time, you have the ammunition you need to avoid mistakes, add the right ingredients, and pitch with all the confidence and credibility you can muster. Think of your first line of a cold pitch email as your 30-second elevator pitch, but in writing. You`ve already covered the first point and caught the editor`s attention with the topic of your pitch in your first line.

First, follow all the do`s and don`ts that we have described above. They apply to all freelance bloggers, article writers, even authors of personal essays, editorials, creative writing assignments, and opinion pieces. You are convinced of your idea. Now you have to sell them to yourself. Here you can brag a little, but make sure everything is relevant to the topic you are presenting. Here`s what you might include: Part of writing a pitch is giving the editor a good idea of what your article would cover. This could include: Writing presentations can seem like a daunting task – you`re reaching out to someone you don`t know to ask them to help you or your business.