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King of Wands Legal

Yes, the wandering days of the Wand King`s youth may be behind him, but that doesn`t mean he`s lost the ability to enjoy every moment of life or seize every exciting or adventurous opportunity he might have. This king may have grown and matured, but he certainly hasn`t lost his fire. He has become master of his element and understands his transience. He uses fire wisely not only for his own benefit, but also for the benefit of all who share his environment. This king will remain eternally young and open-minded. He will never lose his sense of spontaneity and enthusiasm for new and inspiring things. His creative genius will never fade or fade. We certainly won`t see this king sneak into old age without a damn good fight. Now that you know that the king of wands is a unique yes card and signifies great success in business, let`s find out how this card can also be interpreted in another way and what it means to draw this card upside down or after a love question. This means additional success! Together, the king is already a winner. When connected to other kings, queens, knights or pages, it is transformative! Whether the king of yards falls with others or alone, he represents a re-creation of reality. In a negative reading, the king of wands represents someone who is extreme in his thinking. It can cause you to change your mind if your beliefs conflict or don`t allow you to have your own thoughts.

The king can be very insistent when it comes to who is “right” and “wrong”. The king of chopsticks has great demands on his life. He despairs of old, outdated ways of thinking and behaving. He is always on the lookout for new ideas or concepts, new inventions or the state of the art. He has lost none of the charm and originality of the knight. He may have left behind his days as an outsider as a knight, but as a king, he became a mastermind. The King of Wands is famous for its incredible entrepreneurial success. He has the vision and foresight to recognize a hot opportunity long before anyone else. He sees the big picture in the smallest things; sets his goal and courageously pursues it with the strength and endurance of a master athlete. He is wonderfully creative and artistic in all areas of life and can apply these natural talents when developing new inventions, new strategies or starting start-ups that will become empires.

Thank you for your comments. I am moving in that direction. Queens and Kings are still in their original format, downloaded from a course I used to teach. I am working on the complete revision of all maps. Most majors are also waiting, with the exception of the top 3 or so. So we both agree. Get there little by little. Conversely, the king of rods does not necessarily mean a negative answer to your question. However, if your question is career-related, this card may appear in an inverted position and ask you to take a closer look at how you have behaved towards others. Rest and relaxation are necessary from a physical and mental point of view. The king of chopsticks represents vitality, but we are not machines.

If you put in too much effort at work or work overtime to meet everyone`s needs, take a break. As far as career is concerned, the nature of the king of the general staff speaks for itself. A born leader, the king of wands loves to sail on his own ship. He is the successful entrepreneur who is known for taking risks and often appearing pushy and aggressive to get where he is going. He is autonomous and not afraid to do it alone for something he believes in, even if no one else does. As mentioned earlier, he is a visionary and this skill makes sense when applied in business. He sees the potential of things that others are quick to dismiss. It looks for gaps in the market, while others stick to what is safe and predictable. He quickly advances ideas, while others ponder for weeks the pros and cons. The king of chopsticks acts and manifests his ideas in the real world with confidence, agility and great success.

Not spending enough time with your spouse or children? Have you been so focused on what you want that you don`t consider the needs of others? Maybe you are the one who feels excluded from someone with royal qualities. This king doesn`t have much introspection. He sees himself in the role of decision-maker, problem solver and leader. He is not afraid to take on challenges and appreciates the opportunity to combat a seemingly overwhelming situation. Although he is not a show-off, he is very happy with his victories. He is a doer, not a thinker. There is nothing that cannot be addressed by measures. He cannot stand idly by; He must have his hands in the mixture. He has such confidence in his own abilities that everyone around him tends to agree. However, if you work with someone in the feeling of health that is represented by the king of chopsticks, you can be sure that this person will definitely help you on your way. You have the knowledge you need to move forward with your health! One of the most powerful things about our universe is that it allows us to shape our lives the way we want. Your gift doesn`t have to be yours forever.

The king of chopsticks asks, “What would you change if you knew you wouldn`t fail?” In the end, the king of chopsticks almost always indicates success in the career. However, the king can sometimes appear in a negative position, which can be confusing. This usually means that you are not taking the plunge. It`s time to do what you`re afraid of or try another method. The power is all within you! The king of chopsticks is often catchy and theatrical and likes to make the gesture brilliantly. It naturally becomes the center of attention and magnetically attracts others. We always observe him, we imitate him and we talk about him. Such a person is willing to take risks when the stakes are high. He meets the opposition directly and dares to stand up and be different. A person with this card does not care what others think and has the courage to maintain his beliefs.

If you feel like you`ve already exhausted all your options, try taking an unconventional approach. You should also consider the question you are asking, as it will help you understand if he represents you or another person in your life. However, we began to see the tension that began in the 7 staffs as the demands of his newly acquired position began to wreak havoc on this newly elected king. When he became boss, a lot was expected of him. Well, he had promised a lot in his enthusiastic gatherings. Perhaps he had been overwhelmed by the excitement of it all; He enjoyed the spotlight and all the attention he had received. His energy seemed limitless at the time and he couldn`t wait to get started. As a result, people expected things to change overnight and for the better. His supporters, colleagues, colleagues, family and friends all wanted a little bit of him. They had become laborious with their constant need and demands on his time. His people surely understood that he was a busy man who had more important things to do than listen to their constant moans.

His happy camp became turbulent as his once loyal followers began one by one to question his authority, disobey his orders, and doubt his word. Either this king lied to get to the top by exaggerating himself and making impulsive promises that he knew he could not keep, or that his intentions were indeed honorable, but unfortunately, he himself lacked the leadership qualities required to be king. Was it a case of bad sportsmanship when this man used right or wrong means to reach the top – his ego matched the size of his mouth with all his bragging? Maybe he was just a marvel on one shot; Full of fire, warm air and boasting, but with not much to support him – a showman yes, but a king, I don`t think. Maybe he was just another man with a big dream, but he lacked the stamina to take it to the end – his energy and courage diminished at the first hurdle. One thing is certain, this man has lost his royal qualities and is not up to the task. The revolution is in the air. Since the king of chopsticks is a very persuasive person, you may have neglected the best interests of others and are too focused on your own goals and desires. If you think this might be the case for you, try to be more open-minded from now on and include other people`s opinions when it comes to making decisions, especially if others are also affected by your decisions. Yes, the king of chopsticks has certainly learned to be more patient as he gets older, but only so. He is always intolerant of those he considers weak or boring. If an opportunity arises that excites or challenges him, he will be the first to come down from his throne, to take advantage of it, even if he is on a cane.

He will remain a big sports fan, will remain very active and physically fit until the day of his death.